Three people were hurt in a serious accident on Highway 67 recently, according to a news report from March 31. The report out of Alabama claims that the accident happened in the early afternoon around 1:00 p.m., when a mail carrier was struck in her vehicle. The female mail carrier was stopped in her vehicle when it was struck.
This kind of car accident is one that shows the importance of being diligent and paying attention when driving. This car accident allegedly took place when the 28-year-old mail carrier was stopped at a mailbox in the westbound lanes of Highway 67. According to the story, a 31-year-old driver headed east went off the road, corrected his vehicle, and crossed the center line. At that point, he struck the mail carrier’s vehicle head-on.
At the time of the accident, another oncoming vehicle headed west, a motorcycle driven by a 63-year-old man, hit both of the wrecked vehicles. He stopped a short distance from the scene of the accident. His injuries weren’t reported at the time of the news release.
The postal worker was injured in the accident, and she was taken to Huntsville Hospital by helicopter. The two other drivers were taken to the local hospital by ambulance after the accidents. It’s been reported that a number of agencies were on the scene, including the Somerville Volunteer Fire Departments, the Alabama State Troopers, and the Priceville Police. Right now, the Alabama State Troopers are said to be in charge of the investigation.
Although this accident seems pretty clear, the investigation will be able to determine if neglect, alcohol, or other factors were involved. Injuries may be taken into consideration if charges are going to be placed. The injured worker may be able to seek compensation in the future.
Source: WHNT, “UPDATE: 3 People Hurt in Wreck on Hwy 67, Including Rural Mail Carrier” Claire Aiello, Mar. 31, 2014