Nursing home neglect can be subtle to detect in its initial stages, and many Alabama residents may not be actively looking for it in their loved ones who are residing at nursing home facilities. Eventually, though, when the negative effects of nursing home neglect begin to take hold, severe injuries may develop. Those negative effects could eventually lead to serious injury and even death.
Alabama residents who detect signs of nursing home abuse in their loved one should inform the management of the nursing home immediately. In the unfortunate event that the signs of neglect are exceedingly strong and the loved one is seriously injured as a result of the neglect, then it may be time to contact a lawyer. Justice and financial restitution can be legally pursued relating to a nursing neglect issue.
Those who living in Manhattan who are worried that their loved one could be affected by nursing home neglect should focus on the following issues: malnutrition, dehydration, bedsores, infections, violent assault, burns and medical errors.
At Marsh, Rickard & Bryan, we regularly handle nursing home abuse and nursing home neglect cases on behalf of Alabama residents. Indeed, we are aggressive advocates for the rights of those living in nursing homes in and throughout Alabama. We hate to see this awful form of neglect and abuse existing anywhere, and we hope to do our small part in putting a stop to it. We also home to garner compensation on behalf of our clients, so that they can afford the cost of medical care needed to recover from the injury.
Contact us today for a free evaluation of your case!