In recent years many states, including Alabama, have made great strides in attempting to promote safe driving practices. Despite the passage of several laws specifically geared towards reducing the number of car accidents in which both teens and distracted drivers are involved, a recent report contends Alabama has room for improvement.
For the report, a transportation safety group identified 15 safe driving requirements which it recommends states adopt in order to prevent car accidents and resulting injuries and deaths. Of the 15 recommended requirements, Alabama has currently adopted nine into law.
As such, the group gave Alabama a yellow rating. Ratings were awarded based upon the number of requirements out of the 15 that are recommended that a state has fulfilled. States were assigned a rating of green, yellow or red based upon how many safety requirements they have currently adopted.
According to the group, Alabama would be wise to adopt six additional safety measures to prevent potential car accidents many of which pertain to teenage drivers. For example, the group recommends that Alabama enforce restrictions of cell phone use for teen drivers who are just learning to driver. Also, the group recommends that each teen driver be required to undergo an average of 40 hours of supervised behind-the-wheel drivers training.
In addition to those laws and requirements geared towards teen drivers, the group also recommends Alabama join 31 other states that have stricter booster seat laws requiring their use until a child is age 7. The group also recommended mandatory use of ignition interlock devices for all drivers who are charged with drinking and driving.
Source: Alabama Live, “Group: Texting while driving ban good, but Alabama ranks in the middle for driver safety,” Mike D. Smith, Feb. 8, 2013