Marsh | Rickard | Bryan

Marsh, Rickard & Bryan



Car Accidents

What are Alabama’s distracted driving laws?

Alabama does have a couple of crucial laws on the books to discourage young drivers from using cellphones, while also discouraging all drivers from texting while driving. But before we get into those laws, let's first talk about the phrase "distracted driving."To most...

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Would adhesive on cars protect pedestrians?

Last week, Google received a patent for an adhesive coating on the front of self-driving cars. The purpose? To reduce injuries when cars hit pedestrians. But will this work?The idea is that if a pedestrian sticks to a vehicle, then he or she wouldn't get thrown from...

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Is texting behind the wheel the new drunk driving?

Would you get into a car with a drunk driver? Societal attitudes about drinking and driving generally discourage such behavior. The attitude may be a reflection of both the tough enforcement of drunk driving offenses by authorities, as well as public awareness of the...

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