Marsh | Rickard | Bryan

Marsh, Rickard & Bryan



Car Accidents

Product failures that can crash a car

Safety experts can trace a motor vehicle collision back to countless contributing factors. From inexperienced drivers and challenging weather conditions to distracted drivers and chemical impairment, crashes involving cars, trucks and motorcycles often result in...

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Beware of drunk drivers this holiday season

The holiday season often leaves us with a lot to look forward to. Family gatherings, great food, and heartfelt presents can help us create memories that last a lifetime. While there is plenty to look forward to, there is also something to be wary of. Road fatalities...

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Why are pedestrian accident deaths on the rise?

One of the advantages of living in Alabama is that if you enjoy taking an early morning walk, you often can do that in favorable weather. Many people like to get out and walk for exercise. Dog owners often take their pets for a walk every day. Some people even decide...

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