Motorcyclists tend to be keenly aware of their surroundings on the road, an attribute that is not always shared by drivers of larger motor vehicles. Unfortunately, this can culminate in terrifying collisions that result in serious injuries. A more recent motorcycle...
Car Accidents
Does a healthy economy encourage negligent driving and crashes?
Data collected by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration for 2015 indicates that fatal crashes rose by 7.7 percent. The increase was even worse for fatal motorcycle accidents, bicycle fatalities and pedestrian deaths. In fact, the combined fatalities made...
Tough Traffic Laws Really Do Keep Us Safer
Fewer motorists die in those states with tougher driving laws. its just that simple according to the statistics compiled by the Auto Insurance Center.The AIC looked at crash data across the country and then compared speed limits, teen driving restrictions, seatbelt...
A new distraction for drivers: Pokémon Go
Nintendo's new game, Pokémon Go, has only been available for about a week, but it has already caused numerous problems for players. Reports of people injuring themselves and being robbed came out within a few days of the game's release. Now there's a new danger:...
Car conversations: better to be impolite than negligent
Data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration examining the causes of distracted driving accidents reveals a surprising result: The leading cause of distracted auto crashes is not driver cell phone use, but conversations with one or more passengers....
Drunk driving victims may have easier access to evidence
An individual simply cannot fulfill his or her duty of safe driving after drinking beyond the legal limit. Our personal injury law firm has seen firsthand the serious or fatal injuries that result from drunk driving accidents. That experience has persuaded us that...
2 vehicles collide, 1 rolls over in Birmingham crash
A car accident in Birmingham, Alabama has left three people with injuries that required hospitalization. The wreck occurred in what appears to be a parking lot and one of the vehicles involved in the crash was overturned in the wreck. The header image of our source...
Seatbelts for dogs? It’s an important safety issue.
In some states, including Hawaii and New Jersey, laws prohibit people from letting their dogs ride in cars unrestrained. It may sound silly to have seatbelts for dogs, but driving with pets loose in the car is a dangerous thing to do - for humans and their pets. Dogs...
Using your smartphone at a crash scene may later help your claim
Do you know what you would do if you were involved in a serious car accident? Many people might think to call for the police, which may result in a police report being generated.Although the report itself may be inadmissible as hearsay, the facts contained in the...
Will black boxes change the face of car accident litigation?
Although certain driving behaviors may raise a presumption of fault, a plaintiff in a wrongful death lawsuit must still prove negligence by a preponderance of the evidence. Launching an aggressive lawsuit that requires accident reconstruction, eyewitness testimony,...