Car accidents are traumatic for everyone involved, particularly those who are injured and especially those who are severely injured. Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are one of the most common injuries sustained in car accidents and one of the most serious. Research has found that in minor injuries, the brain can heal itself if the patient engages their brain’s neuroplasticity consistently and over time.
Seek medical attention
In some cases, however, brain damage can be permanent, and in other cases, the symptoms of a traumatic brain injury do not show until months after the injury. After a TBI, it is critical for the person to seek immediate medical attention and to communicate to their medical professionals what they are feeling or not feeling, any odd sensations and anything else that can help a physician identify and correctly diagnose the patient.
While it is uncommon, untreated brain injuries due to delayed symptoms happen. These injuries are particularly menacing because, when left untreated, a brain injury cannot heal itself without assistance.
Delayed symptoms
It is vital to monitor symptoms long after the accident. Some symptoms can take months or even years to develop. Signs to look out for include:
- Fatigue
- Depression
- Memory loss
- Mood changes
- Poor concentration
- Light sensitivity
- Insomnia
- Changes in smell
- Changes in taste
- Dizziness
- Balance problems
In some cases, the delayed symptoms are more severe, including the inability to speak or think, emotional problems, paralysis, seizures and coma.
After a car accident, it is critical that victims seek immediate medical attention and remain alert for any latent or delayed symptoms that can appear much later. When in doubt, seek help from a medical professional.
Often, people think that if a certain period has passed, a symptom they are feeling could not be related to a past car accident. However, that is not so. Ensure that you remain aware of any symptoms that pop up, even if they do, months or years later.