Marsh | Rickard | Bryan

Marsh, Rickard & Bryan



Medication Errors Attorney

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Award Winning Trial Attorneys

Medication Errors Lawyer Alabama

We rely on medication to treat a wide array of illnesses and diseases, to ease our pain, and to provide comfort for our mental struggles. When used as intended, in the right dosage, prescription drugs can save lives and vastly improve the quality of life for millions. But, when a doctor, pharmacist, or other healthcare provider fails to accurately prescribe medication or fails to consider the effects of a particular drug on a patient, then extensive injury, permanent disability, chronic pain, and even death can occur. If you or a loved one suffered due to a medication error, you have legal rights. Our Alabama medication errors lawyer from Marsh | Rickard | Bryan, LLC, can help you assert them. Call us today for a free consultation about your case and potential compensation.

Effects Of Prescription Errors

Doctors, nurses, and pharmacists must follow safety protocols to prevent harm to patients. If the healthcare provider is negligent in prescribing or administering medication, fails to consider possible interactions, or fails to alert the patient to side effects, then they could be legally liable for medical malpractice.

Some of the common medical errors our clients have suffered from include:

  • Adverse interaction with other drugs. Some medications aren’t meant to be taken together. Some ingredients in a prescription medication can interact with ingredients in another medication (either prescribed or over-the-counter) and cause serious harm. Other times, the drug interaction negates the effects of one, or both medications, and the patient suffers.
  • Failure to check medical history. A thorough evaluation of a patient’s medical history, including asking them what kind of medications they take (even something simple like taking Tylenol regularly or seasonal allergy medication), can often prevent drug interactions, or prescribing or  administering a medication that a patient is allergic to.  A failure to take these basic steps could be considered negligent malpractice.
  • Giving the wrong prescription. In some cases, a pharmacist may misread a doctor’s prescription or misread the dose. Pharmacy staff should double-check every prescription to verify the type and dosage before giving the medication to the customer.

These are just a few instances when a medication error can occur. Talk to one of our Alabama medical errors lawyers about your experience; they can advise you of your legal options.

Take The Next Step In Your Medication Error Malpractice Case

At Marsh | Rickard | Bryan, LLC, we take the time to get to know you and your unique story, then provide legal advice so you can make the best decisions for yourself and your family. We fight for our clients, whether this means negotiating a fair settlement with the negligent party or taking the case to trial  in Alabama civil court. Call us today for a free consultation with an Alabama medication errors lawyer.

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We have a team of courtroom lawyers with a proven track record to help you tell your story. And we have the resources, the experience and the reputation to make sure you’re heard.


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"They took a case that others would have stayed clear of.."
I have the utmost respect for Rip Andrews and the lawyers at MRB Law. They took a case that others would have stayed clear of because the issue of state immunity was involved. Through determination ...
Nancy Owen
"They took a case that others would have stayed clear of.."
I have the utmost respect for Rip Andrews and the lawyers at MRB Law. They took a case that others would have stayed clear of because the issue of state immunity was involved. Through determination and unwavering commitment they were able to a find resolution to an extremely difficult matter.
Nancy Owen
"They...brought justice to my family through a multi-million dollar verdict ."
These lawyers took a complicated issue, revealed the truth in a way 12 jurors unfamiliar with the topic could understand, and brought justice to my family through a multi-million dollar verdict. They were able to relate...
Caroline Malatesta
"They...brought justice to my family through a multi-million dollar verdict."
These lawyers took a complicated issue, revealed the truth in a way 12 jurors unfamiliar with the topic could understand, and brought justice to my family through a multi-million dollar verdict. They were able to relate my “invisible” medical condition to the jury better than I can to my own friends. And because of that, the jury hugged me and cried with me when it was all over. That meant more to me than any amount of money.
Caroline Malatesta
"Our relationship began as strangers but ended in friendship thanks to the compassion he showed ."
I can’t adequately put into words the appreciation I have for Mr. Derrick Mills and MRB Law. He was assertive in his fight for justice for our family during our time of...
Dana Owens
"Our relationship began as strangers but ended in friendship thanks to the compassion he showed."
I can’t adequately put into words the appreciation I have for Mr. Derrick Mills and MRB Law. He was assertive in his fight for justice for our family during our time of tragedy. Mr. Mills is knowledgeable, passionate and a great communicator. Our relationship began as strangers but ended in friendship thanks to the compassion he showed. Thank you Mr. Mills for being a dedicated professional! Justice done right!
Dana Owens

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