Are American drivers taking new vehicular safety features for granted? Innovations like blind spot alerts, automatic braking, airbags, hands-free technology and backup cameras are intended to improve safe driving behaviors. Yet according to a recent warning from the National Safety Council, the approaching Labor Day holiday could be the deadliest since 2008. The council predicts that over 400 traffic fatalities will occur over the upcoming three-day weekend.
What accounts for the decline in safety? Some commentators suggest distracted driving as a culprit, although there are also many other types of negligent driving.
Responsible habits can go a long way toward ensuring the safety of yourself and your passengers on the road. That duty of care requires a driver’s attention and concentration on road conditions and traffic flow. Some may characterize that attention as defensive driving, which may provide enough warning to spot potentially unsafe traffic conditions in advance.
Unfortunately, it may be impossible to safeguard against every hypothetical crash situation. From distractions to impaired driving, the unpredictable behaviors of other drivers on Alabama’s roads and highways may create unsafe situations. If you find yourself in a car accident, remember that a personal injury law firm that has experience in car accident lawsuits can help you protect your rights.
The sooner a crash victim can consult with an attorney, the better — even if that means a telephone call from the crash scene. An attorney will help you navigate potentially controversial issues, such as blame, insurance claims, and gathering evidence from the crash scene.
Source: USA Today, “Car crash deaths climb despite better auto safety,” Kimiya Manoochehri, Aug. 25, 2016